Internet Information Server (IIS) 7

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Internet Information Server (IIS) 7 is so completely different from what has gone in the past that you probably won’t recognize it. The interface is different, the configuration is different, and the internal workings are different. The reason for the massive change is that the old IIS just wasn’t keeping up with the latest Web technologies. In addition, at least some of the problems that administrators experience with IIS are due to the older design.

The biggest difference you’ll find in IIS 7 is that it places a new emphasis on administrators working with developers to create a Web solution. You can now configure ASP.NET applications in ways that you could only imagine in the past. Developers can also include new settings in applications to make the applications more responsive to enterprise needs.

Microsoft has also placed an emphasis on .NET development in IIS 7. Yes, you can still provide static content, and most scripted applications will work as well as they did before.The result is that your ASP.NET applications will perform better than ever.

IIS 7 includes a wealth of other changes that you’ll find make your job easier. For example, all the configuration files are now based on XML instead of relying on an arcane database that’s prone to corruption and other problems. You can configure IIS easily from the command prompt, from within the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, or by using a simple text editor to change the files directly.

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