Teaching the use of the network

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Teaching the use of the network

Before you can expect everyone to use the network without any problems, you’ll have to teach them the finer points of network usage. You may want to sit down with the entire family or go over it with each individual. It’s a good policy to show the adults in the house how to use the network first, and then let them help you teach the kids.

You don’t have to teach everyone the intricacies of the network; you just need to show them how to get what they need and go where they must go. The less you tell kids, as a matter of fact, the better off you’ll be in the beginning. As teenagers work with the network more and more, you can begin to show them the details of how it works.

Consider the following issues to teach the kids:

✦ Browsing the network
✦ Directory structures
✦ Opening folders on other computers
✦ Copying folders and files from others’ computers
✦ Creating folders on others’ computers
✦ Backing up to a specific drive or folder
✦ Finding the printer or other peripherals
✦ Choosing the default printer (if you have more than one printer)

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